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Rendering and Compositing a Prop Asset Skateboard Bag, Using Maya, ZBrush, EXR, and Nuke

The goal of this project is rendering a series of virtual, photo-realistic turntables for a skateboard bag (© Manicx / Skatebax), showing different versions of illustrations (made by several illustrators) and material colors, using only one lighting set and sending the renders only once. This is what some of them look like after post‑processing:

Post-produced frame 1 Post-produced frame 2 Post-produced frame 1 Post-produced frame 2
Sample frames from rendering. The client is uploading them into their own online application.

These are the steps I'm taking to accomplish this commission:


First, I'm solving the geometry, because I'm going to apply the textures onto one single material, using one model only:

  • Modeling the base mesh in Maya, using Quads in case I have to deform the model
  • Aligning zip teeth using a NURBS curve
  • Sculpting details and relief in ZBrush, and
  • Back in Maya, importing Displacement and normal maps:
Shared UVW Displacement map Normals map Shared UVW Displacement map Normals map
Reusing the same UVW for all different color textures. Same with displacement and normals map.

If you want to know more about modeling props, characters, and environments, click on these cards:

Modeling prop asset for XReality
Modeling XReality Prop

Modeling prop glasses assets for an augmented reality app. 3D scanning, adding retopology with Quad Draw in Maya, and setting up with Python tool.

Modeling prop asset for video game
Modeling Prop

Modeling a prop hand grenade asset through references, templates, schematics, modular polygons & UVW in Maya. Sculpting detail in ZBrush.

Sculpting human body
Sculpting Human Body

Modeling a human body using ZSpheres, retopologizing mesh and opening UVW in Maya. Sculpting micro-detail in ZBrush. Exporting normal and displacement maps.

Sculpting human head
Sculpting Human Head

Sculpting basic detail in ZBrush, applying retopology in Maya using Quad Draw and re-importing into ZBrush for micro detail.

Modeling mechanic character
Modeling Mechanic Char.

Modeling a mechanic character with automatic edge loops with ZRemesher, importing as OBJ into Maya, and sculpting detail in ZBrush.

Modeling exterior environment
Modeling Exterior Env.

Modeling exterior environment for render time by drawing CAD floor plans and elevations, extruding quads in Maya.

Modeling architectonic interior
Modeling Arch. Interior

Modeling architectonic interior, drawing CAD floor plan and elevations, modeling rooms and furniture using quad extrusions and NURBS in Maya.

Modeling level geometry
Modeling Level Geometry

Modeling real time level geometry using CAD floor plans and elevations, blocking out meshes and adding details in 3D Studio Max with booleans and stacks.

Reconstructing photogrammetry
Reconstructing Photo-grammetry

Reconstructing, repairing, and cleaning up photogrammetry scan, using ZBrush Dynamesh and ZRemesher to open UVW and clean up textures.


I'm building up a white background and lighting with High Dynamic Range Images for photo shooting Studios. Plus a couple of spotlights for filling in dark spots and getting some light bounces.


This is the rendering process I'm implementing:

  • Rotating Y on a locator and parenting my model
  • Applying textures, using the same UVW position for all variations
  • Using the same material, changing every time the texture via render layers
  • Sending to color buffers in EXR format
  • Rendering the optical effects only once (Motion Blur, Masks, Depth of Field, etc.), and
  • Importing and compositing in Nuke.
Turntable in viewport Turntable in viewport
Turntable in viewport.
Close up 1 Close up 2 Close up 1 Close up 2
Samples from render close-ups.

If you want to find out more about rendering, take a look at these case studies:

Texturing character
Texturing Character

Texturing a character for render time by opening UVW in Maya, hand painting and extracting PBR textures in Substance Designer/Painter, rendering EXR.

Rendering interior environment
Rendering Interior Env.

Rendering an interior environment through animatics and concept, HDRI lighting, texturing, simulating VFX with Maya Nucleus, rendering EXR, Nuke comp.

Texturing buildings for real time environment
Texturing Buildings

Texturing buildings for real time environment, modeling and UVW in 3DS Max, hand painting textures, applying to materials.

Compositing Short Film

Compositing short film using Nuke by rendering EXR and grouping background, character, volumetric lights, simulations and optical effects.

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