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Simulating Maya Muscle as Skinning Method for a Human Character, Driving nHair and nCloth
The goal of this simulation is to provide animators with automatic deformations on a rigged/skinned character for a short film. I'm using the animation on the character as collision surface, and the joints as anchors for the simulations. This is what the short film looks like after post‑production:
I'm solving this situation in 2 steps:
- Simulating the muscles, and
- Letting the deformations on her skin drive the other 2 simulations (nHair and nCloth).
The solution I'm developing here consists of simulating muscles mimicking the behavior of the muscles in a real human body. I'm starting with a rigged character, using Maya Muscle as deformation mechanism.
I'm linking rigging and skinning using Maya Muscle as deformation mechanism through:
- Maya Muscle using NURBS surfaces deforming in real time, simulating the behavior of real muscles, compressing or stretching from their anchors on bones
- My joints in Maya are rotating like my character's articulations, deforming the polygonal surface, and
- I am keyframing controls in a Maya Character Set, to rotate and translate these joints.
The advantage of using controls on a character set is that I can import/export the animation curves to similar character sets independent of the rig system they are using.
Before the animation process is finished, I am linking my NURBS to the virtual bones, telling the polygonal surfaces to react to the deformation of my NURBS muscle simulation, like here:
Other simulations
Once my rig has a functional muscle system, I can move on to implement other character specific simulations. In this case, I'm applying a nHair solution to simulate the long hair of my character, and nCloth to deform her dress, based on her skin deformations, using them as collision objects:
The advantage of this method is that I can take my simulations wherever my rig is, being careful to keep up with updated caches. Once the simulation on muscles, clothes and hair are cached, I can import my character into my lighting scene, and prep for render.
This is a simulation example for a character, but there are many other methods to calculate, apply and render simulations and VFX. Click on these cards to take a look at other case studies:
If you want to know more about rigging and skinning, take a look at these case studies: