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Simulating a Fluid Injection for a Shoe Sole Using nParticles in Maya

The goal of this project is to make a video showing the fabrication process of a rigid sole. First, visualizing the plastic injection in fluid state and later, how it solidifies. Here are some frames from the finished video (© Manicx for Bauerfeind):

Fluid simulation after post-production Fluid simulation after post-production
Fluid simulation after post‑production.

I'm accomplishing this commission dividing the tasks in 3 chunks:


The briefing is providing the following information:

  • I'm modeling and texturing from a physical sample, and
  • I have to make the pre-production from scratch.

Once I can count on an approved pre‑production and my model is ready, I am using them as containers to simulate the particles.

sole meshes sole textures sole meshes sole textures
Sole meshes and textures.

Simulation tactics

  • Making 2 animations from the same camera, first for the solid and second for the fluids (I'm using Maya nParticles)
  • Applying similar materials on both
  • Using procedural textures only for the simulation, and
  • Letting 2 Nuclei solve the simulations plus several emitters, colliding with a copy of the soles' geometry.

These are the simulations for the X component and envelope:

Fluid simulation Fluid simulation
Simulating a fluid using nParticles.


Once my simulations are complete:

  • I'm caching them
  • Lighting the scene using HDRI
  • Rendering to EXR, and
  • Importing into Nuke for compositing.

If you want to know more about VFX, click on these case studies:

Grooming human head
Grooming Human Head

Grooming a human head using XGen in Maya, linking geometry to descriptions, simulating, caching, applying shaders, rendering and compositing.

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Maya Muscle for Skinning

Simulating Maya Muscle on a rigged human character, using them as deformers on skinning and letting it drive Maya Nucleus nHair and nCloth.

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Simulating Clothes

Simulating clothes using nCloth in Maya. Mesh with motion capture drives dress & necklace. Cached shirt simulation drives a vest.

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Simulating nParticles and force fields in Maya for an exterior environment including wind on vegetation, air particles, volumetric lights and water.

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Letting animated characters drive VFX using Maya Nucleus, including flexible cables, molten metal, smoke, sparks, and optical effects.

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